Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Beautiful Blog

Two Blog awards in one day!!!! Thank You /Karen Rogers! Karen has given me the beautiful Blog award.
Ten things about me....
1.We've been living in New Zealand for 8+ years.
2.My "other job" is as an osteopath.
3.I was once struck by lightening.
4.I've traced my family tree back about 9 generations.
5.I'm allergic to all things with fur.
6.I gave birth to all my children at home-biggest babe being 10 pounds 3 ounzes!
7.I believe in angels.
8.I was born in Sutton Coldfield, UK.
9.In my teens I was a goth- tehe.
10. I love Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. have just linked you through the sunshine award
    it is a lovely blog most inspiring


Thank You for all your Lovely comments- I always love receiving them x