Thursday, January 20, 2011


I feel like I might have some serious competition on my hands LOL. As jasper is on a card making mission. This is todays card he's made, I have given him No help, he's chosen the colours, the stamps the design- he's even taken the photo. I love how he's got the monster coming out of the undergrowth- and what a Colour Combo! Feeling like a proud mom, I'm entering his card into his first challenge! Check out the other kids entries at Kona Kid Krafters.

Stamps;make a Monster, Grunge Rock, Organic Grace (retired)
Colour Combo; Pacific Point, Certainly celery, Riding Hood Red.


  1. He is giving you a run for your money ;). How old is Jasper?? I too have a crafty child, although mine is 13 but he loves to stamp and begs to do all my big shotting.

  2. He's 9 Julz- and yes I know he's giving me a run for my money ;)

  3. Hi Jasper,

    Awesome card! Wonderful job.

    Thanks for sharing with us at Kona Kid Krafters. Hugs, Marjo

  4. I can see a future recruit here Debi!! Nab him before someone else does :-)

    Wat to go Jasper - your card is terrific!

  5. Well done Jasper, what a great card.


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