Sunday, June 26, 2011

Purple Blooms

Over at Just Add Ink this week they are celebrating reaching 500 Followers! Congrats ladies and keep up the inspiring work :-)
They have given us this easy looking sketch- which I actually found really tricky because of the cross type effect, but got there in the end.

The card has not quite come out as I had envisaged, but I'm pleased anyway.
There'a alot of layering of stamped images, watercolouring, and sponging to pull it all together. Some liberal use of gold smooch and Lavender Stickles finish the card with some sparkle. I'm having real issues with light today so the photos aren't the best I'm afraid.

Close up of Roses

I'd been wanting to have a go at these rolled roses for a while and found a great Tutorial on how to make them on Just Add Ink Team memeber Tania Gould's blog click the Here for the tutorial.

Inside of the card

It's always an nice idea to decorate the inside of the card when you've used a dark cardstock. There's a trend to show the inside too so here you are :-)

Colour Combo: Early Expresso, Perfect Plum, Concord Crush.
Stamp Sets: Elements of Style, French Foliage.


  1. Wow, this is just stunning, Debi! I love the colour combo and all the techniques that you have used work so well together :-)

  2. A beautiful card Debi - Your roses are fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  3. This is beautiful Debi!. I love dark card. The stamping and the roses are gorgeous. Maria x

  4. Just beautiful. I love those roses, going to check that out. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Kim

  5. gorgeous purple creations!thanks for visiting this weekend.take care, gerri

  6. Your work is always so amazing and this card doesn't fail to impress me as usual.

  7. Wow! What a fabulous card, Debi! Your roses are fantastic!

  8. I love how much you think outside the square Debi - all that detail!! Including stitching!! I found this sketch to be hard too, probably because it is so easy!! Thanks for playing at JAI this week ♥

  9. Super impressive, especially with the extra on the inside and the lovely sparkly rolled roses on the front of the card.

  10. Lovely use of the sketch Debi, beautiful roses and l love the sparkle. Thanks for playing along with this weeks challenge at JAI.


Thank You for all your Lovely comments- I always love receiving them x