Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer Holidays

Hazel has picked the theme for this fortnights challenge at the Craft Room is Summer Holidays.... now obviously I'm still in the depths of winter here in New Zealand... We even had snow here yesterday which is very unusual- but pleased my kids, who'd never seen snow before.
So I the colours on my card are really bright!!!

I can't wait to see what you come up with this challenge- as the Butterfly entries have been gorgeous.


  1. Thats a great picture of your cute kids and how neat they got to see snow. Your card is beautiful. Kim x

  2. I love how you've done your card Debi - the colours work so well together.
    xxx Hazel.

  3. Your card is gorgeous Debi! I love the effect you've created. Fab snowman - your kids must be so excited! Maria x

  4. I really love this card Debi, the sea effect is simply stunning. It looks really cold where you are, but the kids will be loving it I'm sure. Julia xxxxx


Thank You for all your Lovely comments- I always love receiving them x